bloodproblemsBlood is said to be the transporter of the all-crucial oxygen molecule. Through a sequence of responses in which oxygen is includes, energy is produced, which is vital for repelling your cells metabolic reactions. Hence, when the blood fails to meet a part of the body, the condition that occurs from it is the effects of oxygen deficiency. The heart, through its pumping activity, preserves the force needed for the blood to meet all organs of the body. Under normal conditions, arteries, capillaries and veins, through which blood moves, are quite elastic. Once they become hard or get blocked, blood fails to travel through them to meet the organs. There are innumerable reasons behind hardening or blockage of blood vessels. Deposition of cholesterol and fat, bunching of platelets to build clots, and inflammation are some of factors contribute to reduction of the diameter of blood vessels. Troubles in circulation also arise, if the heart fails to pump blood substantially. There are many reasons linked behind onset of this problem. But, some factors that are responsible for blood vessels reduction is believed to be major reason.

1 Atherosclerosis:-
It is main reason of narrowed blood vessels that finally contribute to all sorts of problems in the body. Various diseases such as hand or leg pen, myocardial infarction, renal stenosis, and brain strokes are main enemies of this medical condition. A diet packed with fat is highly responsible for causing atherosclerosis. In addition, genetics factor also considered to be crucial.

There is no simplest way to defeat atherosclerotic plaques, because they are quite obstinate. Lifestyle modification is critically needed in preventing further damage to the arteries. In reality, nothing works best than lifestyle modification in healing atherosclerosis condition. Besides, angioplasty and bypass surgery are some of potent solution which proven very useful to treat this condition. Changes in lifestyle, like incorporating a low-fat diet, limiting alcohol intake, quitting smoking and exercising are absolutely needed to avert formation of plaque in the arteries. Some medication like statins can be utilized to bring down cholesterol level in the body, but they are known to have various ill-effects too.

This sugar imbalanced disease is a complex metabolic disorder. Elevated glucose and cholesterol level in the body plus high blood pressure stimulates the blood vessels to thicken and miss their elasticity. This condition result it inadequate blood supply to numerous organs, particularly the hands and feet. The effects of this poor blood supply are numerous, such as numbness and coldness, tingling and difficulty while walking, delayed and impaired wound healing and so on. If you fail to take proper care, sore will build up on the feet, which further add gangrene. Increase in the problems indicates that diabetes sufferers are obese and have hypertension. All these issue further enhances threat of heart problems also. Diabetes sufferers frequently go through pain and cramping in the legs after a long walk or exercise. This is termed as claudication.

The preventive measures mentioned above to overcome atherosclerosis are suggested to diabetes sufferers as well.

3. Blood clots:-
There are innumerable diseases that occur because of development of clots in the blood vessels, particularly the veins. Valve defects, long term use of birth control pills, injury, certain congenital defects, inflammation, some cancers and other several factors incline a person’s arteries or veins in the direction of blood clot development. This can be hazardous, if not treated instantly.

Treatment is completely relies on whether the clots are in the arteries or the veins.
Arterial Clots: – Clopidogrel and Aspirin, both averts the blood platelets from binding to each other. This assists in preventing clot development. Heparin and thrombolytic agents are also utilized to stay away from clot development.
Venous clots: – Heparin and warfarin, both are extensively utilized to stay away from clot development in the veins.

4. Buerger’s disease:-
Also referred as Thromboagiitis obliterans, and has a strong connection with smoking or chewing tobacco. This particular disease is described by the inflammation of the veins and arteries of the extremities. They become tender and swell up, limiting blood flow to the feet and hands. Blood clots also build up and further obstruct the blood vessels. It is thought that some factors that activate the immune system to onset the blood vessels and stimulates inflammation. Inadequate blood supply to the limbs has the similar effect on the hands and feet, as in other various diseases.

Generally patient of Buerger’s disease are regular tobacco users. Since tobacco use plays a dominant role in the genesis and development of the disease, quitting smoking is the most crucial step in delaying the development of the disease. Stopping smoking improves the result of treatment, and decelerates the condition from worsening further. In addition to this, a treatment plan for Buerger’s disease includes therapies like surgery, streptokinase, and synthetic prostacyclin analogues, in order to enhance the blood flow to the limbs.

5. Raynaud’s disease:-
This disease consists of two forms, one is primary and other one is secondary. The primary form does not take place in connection with some other disease, but the secondary form does. People going through this condition generally notice some part of their body like toes, lips, nose, fingers and ears feel extremely cold under circumstances of low temperature or stress. On the onset of this condition, the affected body parts pale, and then become blue. Women’s are highly susceptible to this condition comparing to men.

Patient’s of Raynaud’s disease are suggested to wear warm clothes and should stay away from cold. They are recommended to avoid use of medication that stimulates blood vessel constriction. Medication like nifedipine, diltiazem and nicardipine works wonderfully in treating this condition. Moreover, alpha-receptor blockers medications are also available to heal this condition to a great extent.

Anton Lawrence
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