In medical condition of leukemia you will notice augmented white blood cells and that takes place in an uncontrollable mode. If the warning signs of leukemia are noticed sooner, the patient can certainly be cured. Leukemia is one form of cancer that begins in blood forming cells. New red and white blood cells are built in the bone marrow, which is a soft tissue and common in most of the bones. Most often white blood cells are denoted as soldiers of our body. As they are integral part of immune system and keep body healthy by protecting from several infections. They give preference to producing antibodies and destruct the invasive bacteria. In this disease, the bone marrow begins producing irregular white blood cells in enormous quantity. These cells developed in an uncontrollable mode and functions inappropriately, due to which chronic issues arise. In this medical condition, the cancerous cells primarily accumulate in the soft area of the bone (bone marrow), they rapidly increase and spread into the blood. Hence, through the bloodstream the cells meet several parts and instigate harm.

The signs of leukemia will change relying on its type. Severe leukemia symptoms are observed within a short duration of time. Symptoms that you may experience also rely on where the irregular white cells build up. For example, if the cancer cell enters into the brain, then the person starts observing symptoms such as eyesight issues or headache. Leukemia calls that meet the skin frequently induce rashes. Joint pain is unavoidable when the leukemia cells give them space into the joints. Conversely, bone pain denotes that the irregular cells are extremely close to the surface of the bone. The usual symptoms of leukemia involves vomiting, head pain, poor vision, confusion, regular and recurring infections, abnormal fever, sweating at night, weight loss, swollen lymph nodes of the groin or neck, lack of appetite, increase of the spleen or liver, softness of bones, growth of the spleen or liver, difficulty in breathing and so on.

Children affected by leukemia frequently go through anemia. Hence children suffering through leukemia look pale, weak and lose their capability to combat infections. Some people notice abnormal skin rashes and sores around their eyes. Even chronic leukemia gives rise to formation of unfavorable effects on the lungs and other body parts.

• Gradual healing:-
Because of shortage of platelet small injuries take lots of time to cure. Hence, this type of cancer can stimulate heavy bleeding from tiny cuts. Apart from that, the cuts are inclined to infections due to low quantity of healthy white blood cells.

• Fatigue:-
White blood cells need enough energy to accomplish their tasks in a correct manner. Nevertheless, because of augmented production of undeveloped WBCs, the energy necessity of the body substantially enhances, which unluckily fails to satisfied. Hence, the person experiences tiredness all around the day, regardless of consuming healthy, energy dense foods.

• Skin discoloration:-
With reduction in platelet amount, the blood’s capability to clot diminishes substantially. This ultimately gives rise to internal bleeding that generally stimulates formation of black and bluish spots below the skin. Hence people suffering through leukemia injure easily. This happens due to number of low platelet. Besides easy bruising, red spots similar to the size of pinhead may also emerge under the skin.
In case of severe leukemia, premature signs and symptoms may not be noticeable for months. Even if the symptoms emerge, they are primarily minor and slowly turn serious. A routine checkup by a cancer expert is obligatory to decide whether the person has severe leukemia. Under this case, the white blood cells gradually spread to several parts of the body. This is because it may take lots of time to formulate severe leukemia. White blood cells accumulate slowly, striking the digestive tract, kidneys and central nervous system.

Yet physician has not been able to recognize the root cause behind occurrence of leukemia. However, there are certain risk factors that are well known for developing leukemia. You are at higher risk of acquiring leukemia if smoking excessively, having history of inherited disorder, vulnerability to chemicals like benzene, over exposure to certain hazardous radiations, etc.

Early recognition of signs of leukemia can absolutely aid to diagnose this medical condition. Blood test plays a crucial role in determining whether an individual has leukemia. The level of white blood cells enhances immensely in leukemia and can be noticed through blood tests. A bone marrow biopsy offers significant information about the sort of leukemia. Chest X-rays also aid drastically in the early recognition of leukemia. Diagnostic methods such as MRI scan, CT scan and ultrasound plays a key role in observing harm to organs like kidneys, liver and brain owing to leukemia.

There are innumerable treatment options. Health care professionals determine the treatment depending on the patient’s general health, sort of leukemia, age and most importantly the severity of disease. Here are some of the treatments extensively utilized to fight against leukemia.

• Radiation therapy:-
In this therapy, the patient is exposed to high-energy rays to destruct the cancer cells and prevent their growth.

• Bone marrow transplant:-
This method repairs normal cells that have destructed during radiotherapy or chemotherapy. There is prime necessity to replace the affected bone marrow in this therapy.

• Biotherapy:-
In this procedure, the patient is treated with substances that promote the body’s natural defense system to combat against cancer cells. This therapy makes use of antibodies to damage the leukemia cells.

• Chemotherapy:-
This type of treatment utilizes anticancer medication to destruct the cancer cells.
People affected by leukemia, should make sure that they look for medical aid from physicians who are specialized in curing this disease. Early analysis and appropriate treatment can absolutely control leukemia.

Anton Lawrence
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