All About Stress, Its Symptoms And Prevention

stressModern lifestyle of today is full of complications, work deadlines, frustrations, and demanding. For many people, stress is so very common that it has become a way of lifestyle. Stress is not always bad but in some amounts it can help you to perform under stress and encourage you to do your best. But when you are regularly running in this urgent situation, that time your mind and body pay the price. You can secure yourself by understanding the symptoms of stress and taking steps in order to reduce its side effects.

What is stress?
Stress is a typical physical respond to activities that make you feeling vulnerable or disappoint your stability in some way.
The stress reaction is the body’s way of defending you. When functioning effectively, it helps you remain targeted, energetic, and aware. In emergency circumstances, stress can save your life—giving you extra durability to defend yourself. The stress also allows you to fulfill difficulties. Stress is what keeps you on your feet during a demonstration at work, enhances your focus when you’re trying to achieve something.
But after a specific time, stress starts causing significant harm to your health, mood, productivity, relationships, and quality of your life.

Signs and symptoms of stress overload
The following table shows some of the common warning signs and symptoms of stress. It is observed that more signs you notice the closer you may be to stress excess.

Stress Signs and Symptoms
Cognitive Symptoms
• Memory problems
• Inability to concentrate
• Poor judgment
• Seeing only the negative
• Anxious or racing thoughts
• Constant worrying

Emotional Symptoms
•Irritability or short temper
•Agitation, inability to relax
•Feeling overwhelmed
•Sense of loneliness and isolation
•Depression or general unhappiness

Physical Symptoms
•Aches and pains
•Diarrhea or constipation
•Nausea, dizziness
•Chest pain, rapid heartbeat
•Loss of sex drive
•Frequent colds

 Behavioral Symptoms
• Eating more or less
• Sleeping too much or too little
• Isolating yourself from others
• Procrastinating or neglecting responsibilities
• Using alcohol, cigarettes, or drugs to relax
• Nervous habits (e.g. nail biting, pacing)

Remember that these signs and symptoms of stress can also be due to other psychological or medical conditions. If you are suffering from any of these signs of stress, it’s important to see a physician for a full assessment. Your physician can tell you whether or not your signs are stress-related and what to do in order to reduce it.

Causes of stress
Common external causes of stress
• Major life changes
• Work or school
• Relationship difficulties
• Being too busy
• Children and family
• Financial problems

Common internal causes of stress
• Chronic worry
• Pessimism
• Negative self-talk
• Health problems
• Pregnancy
• Rigid thinking, lack of flexibility
• Loneliness
• Death of a close person
• Unrealistic expectations/Perfectionism

Effects of chronic stress
One’s body system doesn’t differentiate between physical and psychological risks. When you are stressed over a hectic routine, an argument with a friend, a traffic jam, or a mountain of bills, your body system responds just as highly as if you were experiencing a life-or-death situation. If you have a lot of responsibilities and worries, your emergency stress reaction may be “on” most of the time. The more your body’s stress system is triggered, the harder it is too closed off.
Long-term stress can cause several serious health issues, for instance chronic stress interferes with almost every function of your body. It can increase hypertension, make your immune system weak; increase the risk of cardiac problems, causes infertility, and speed up the process of ageing. Long-term stress can even make your brain weak, by making you more prone to anxiety and depression.

Many health problems are caused or exacerbated by stress, including:
Pain of any kind
Heart disease
Digestive problems
Sleep problems
Weight problems
Autoimmune diseases
Skin conditions, such as eczema

You can also better deal with the signs of stress by building up your physical health. You just have to follow the following tips:
Set aside relaxation time. Relaxation techniques such as yoga, meditation, and deep breathing activate helps a lot by slowing the heart rate and lowering blood pressures.
Exercise regularly. Physical activity plays a key role in reducing and preventing the effects of stress. Aerobic exercise is one of the good options in order to expel stress and tension.
Eat a healthy diet. Well-nourished diet is better option to deal with stress. Start your day with a healthy morning meal, reduce your caffeinated drinks and sugar consumption, and cut back on liquor and smoking addiction.
Get plenty of sleep. It is observed that a good night sleep is beneficial in order to reduce stress. Try to sleep at least 7 to 9 hours sleep.
Be positive
If not, neglect it. Most of sufficient time, a positive mind-set can help you to take out of this issue quicker and help in reducing stress in a better way. If not, neglect it.

Ways to Prevent Stress during Pregnancy
Having a child is a precious thing in mother’s life. Along with happiness, pleasure, pregnancy offers a large responsibility on the to-be-mother’s shoulder which can cause to stress. So, here are some of the methods to prevent form that stress and this can put you to use
Take adequate rest – This is almost certainly the simplest way to avoid stress.
Exercise daily – Follow the workout routine as this will helps you strengthen your muscles which indirectly helps in a stress free childbirth.
Sleep on your side – Sleeping on the abdomen or back can put pressure on your back bone or the muscle tissue. Sleeping on the side, instead, makes sure that all the muscle gets comfortable and this is a one of the best and simple way to reduce stress.
Have prenatal massages – The massage helps reduce any stiff or tensed muscles and is an amazing way to take rest.
Eat healthy – Pregnancy comes with various dos and don’ts. Taking appropriate nourishment is necessary so that the child in your uterus gets appropriate nourishment. Eat more compact foods instead of three large foods. This allows stress on the digestive system as well as allows you to integrate variety in your food.
Relaxation – Listening to relaxing songs and going for stress relief yoga exercises and other pressure reducing methods like massage and hot water bathrooms work as great pressure busters.
To determine it all, if you do want to beat this stress monster who is eating up your life, you have to take control of your daily activities.


Anton Lawrence
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All About Stress, Its Symptoms And Prevention