PERIMENOPAUSEThe occurrence of menopause in a woman is named as premenopause or perimenopause. Generally menopause takes place when a woman’s menstrual cycle permanently ends after 12 sequential months of amenorrhea. Most women confront this phase in their 45th year, but the signs of premenopause demonstrate among women from 25-70 age. Estrogen and progesterone plays a significant role in regulating the menstrual cycle. According to studies, women carry around 1-2 million follicles or egg sacs in their ovaries. Growing age is biggest culprit of production of less estrogen and progesterone hormone. This in turn result it formation of less eggs and a steady slowdown of the reproductive cycle.
The shortage of sufficient progesterone and excessive estrogen than normal level result it hormonal imbalance. This further contributes to premenopausal symptoms. Huge stress, environmental toxins and lack of nutrition in diet can also stimulate hormonal imbalance in the female body.

Symptoms linked with perimenopause are usually of a cognitive and physical nature. Unluckily, there are endless different perimenopause symptoms and most women will go through more than one sort on the journey through menopause. As perimenopause occurs after particular stage, it is essential to have strong knowledge about what are common and uncommon perimenopause symptoms. Perimenopasual women just need to concentrate on listening to the body and no other symptoms that appear beyond the normal or potentially harmful.

Once hormone production becomes imbalanced, women go through a number of physical, emotional and cognitive symptoms. The period of premenopause differs from women to women, lasting anywhere from 1-6 years. Changes in menstruation are most prevalent symptom in premenopausal women. The chances are high that cycle can be short, inducing frequent periods, or it could be longer, leading in less frequent periods. Some women are known to omit periods completely. Other symptoms related to premenopause are listed below:

• Physical symptoms:-
Reduction in the level of estrogen during premenopause stimulates physical symptoms like breast tenderness, weight gain, vaginal dryness, hot flashes, weight gain, excessive or scant bleeding, sleep disorders, urinary tract infections, urinary incontinence, dry eyes, fatigue, hair loss, dry skin, indigestion, diluted metabolic rate, and augmented susceptibility to many health disorders.

• Cognitive symptoms:-
Confusion, problem in multitasking, poor concentration and memory loss are some common symptoms that imitate alteration in a woman’s thought process, learning, guessing, memory and reasoning capability in the premenopausal phase.

• Emotional symptoms:-
Women also go through emotional changes like depression, anxiety, irritability, lack of memory, moodiness, nervousness, anger, sudden incapability to deal with stress and lack of sex drive stimulating annoyance and helplessness.

Frequently a physician makes the diagnosis of perimenopause depending on your symptoms. A blood test assists significantly to check hormone levels. But, keep in mind that hormone level often gets change during perimenopause. It would prove extremely beneficial if you do numerous blood tests at different time for assessment purpose.

Most of women notice relief from hot flashes after consuming low-dose birth control pills for a short period. Progesterone injections, vaginal ring, and birth control skin patch are some of other effective options utilized extensively to control hot flashes. Birth control hormones are not suitable for some women. Hence, it would better if you adopt any option after taking approval of a doctor. The most crucial thing which one should understand that menopause is not a disease. Therefore, it does not require any kind of treatment. However, relying on the variety and severeness of symptoms, menopause can be treated medically or with help of a few lifestyle changes.

• Medication:-
Some health care professional recommend oral contraceptives in low doses to lower heavy bleeding and hot flashes. Even, sometimes potent options like hormone replacement therapy (HRT), antihypertensives, phytoestrogens, bisphosphonates, and lipid –reducing medication are highly prescribe for premenopausal women. Medicines like Prozac and Zoloft plays a dominant role plays a domino role in controlling the emotional changes.

• Lifestyle changes:-
Premenopausal hormonal imbalances is responsible for cutting down bone mineral density (BMD) as well as lipid profile, which gives an open invitation diseases like osteoporosis and cardiac diseases. A diet laden with calcium, like milk, yogurt, cheese and other calcium-fortified food assist women’s body and protect from onset of osteoporosis. In addition, a diet filled with fruits and cruciferous vegetables such as cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli and watercress, etc. aids combat the elevated threat of heart diseases. Soy protein or soy foods play a key role in cutting down the severeness of premenopausal or perimenopausal symptoms. Even lifestyle changes like taking sufficient sleep, exercising daily, stopping smoking, limiting or avoiding alcohol intake, and drinking immense water can surely make a huge difference in the frequency and severity of menopause symptoms.

• Regular exercise:-
Physical activity during perimenopause phase assist regulate mood, encourage cardiac health and forms muscle and endurance. Perimenopausal women should give priority to performing 30 minutes of exercise at least 3-5 times in a week at a moderate level. But, strictly avoid strenuous exercising as it will lead to damage the condition, instead of curing. Exercising too strongly during perimenopause can give rise to hot flashes and night sweats.

• Nutritional supplements:-
Supplement like bioflavonoids, folic acid, chondroitin sulfate, glucosamine, vitamin C, vitamin E, borage sulfate, and vitamin B12 are majorly suggested for alleviating hot flashes, declining depressive symptoms and easing joint pains.
Suffering through menopause is believed to be extremely difficult time in every woman’s life. Most women finds very difficult to admit the emotional, physical and cognitive changes stimulated by hormonal imbalances in the body. This phase is unavoidable, but with help of in-depth understanding of premenopausal symptoms and management women can get over this stage in a better way.

Anton Lawrence
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